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2024 Twilight Series

Series Directors for 2024Chris Reese ( and Liuda Galinaitis (
                                                                   Scored by John Way


Fees: The series will be PRE-PAID ONLINE ONLY this year.  $25 for members; $60 for non-members.  Sign-up must be complete by May 29 for the first race.  There will be NO race-day signups for individual races.  If signing up for the series after the first race, do so by the Monday prior to the second race.  We suggest you join WRRC...the membership is rolling and will last for one year from the date joined.  You may sign-up for individual races online at the below registration pages.  However, you will not be eligible for the entire series if signing up for individual races regardless on the number of races completed.

Race Times: All races begin at 7:00PM.


Premium:  Must volunteer/compete in at least 5 of 6 races and sign-up for entire series.


Scoring:  (this may be amended before the start of the series)

1.  Runners will be scored by gender.  One point for 1st, 2nd points for 2nd, etc.  If you miss a race, you will be scored as finishing after the last real finisher in that race.  To qualify for the awards/premium, you must run/work at least 5 of the races!  The premium this year will be a sports bag.


2.  If you have prepaid the series, you may run ONE race at an off time (this off time must be submitted to the race director prior to the race!  No exceptions.), you must contact the race director prior to the actual race.  Your effort will count as one affecting your ranking and towards your eligibility for the premium, and you will be scored as if you were the next finisher after the last real finisher in that event. 


3.  Runners will be scored in the following age groups: 15 and under; 16-19; 20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69; 70-79; 80 and over.


4.  There will be NO duplication of awards and your age will be based on your 1st race of the series.

5.  We will continue to have a box for donations of old running shoes at each race.


Cancellation/Weather Policy:

The Series directors, Chris and Liuda, in conjunction with the individual race directors, have the authority to delay, shorten, cancel, or reschedule races due to dangerous heat, humidity, thunder, or lightning conditions.  We will not start a race until 30 minutes after lightning is seen.  If it is deemed too late to start a race after the last lightning is sighted, the race will be either rescheduled or cancelled.  If the heat and humidity levels are determined to be unsafe, we will cancel a race by 3:00pm.  Please check the WRRC website and/or Facebook for updates.  

**If a race is cancelled, the Series will contain five races with only four needed for the awards/premium.

Please check Facebook, website, or e-mail notices of any changes that may occur to the race schedule.

© 2002 - 2024 Westminster Road Runners Club


This site is maintained by the webmasters of the Westminster Road Runners Club.  Any questions, please Contact Us.

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